E3: Preparing for WODs Technical Essay

03 Oct 2023

Invoice 1 & 2

The last two WODs I have completed are Invoice1 and Invoice2. In Invoice1 I created a webpage that generates a sales receipt for a sale that contains 5 different products. On the sales receipt contained the price and quantity of each item as well as a subtotal, tax, and grand total. In Invoice2 I built on top of this to add shipping costs to the sales receipt that was based off of the subtotal of the sale. *Link to Invoice 1 & 2: https://github.com/shmeldon/ITM352_F23_repo/tree/main/WODs/Invoice1 https://github.com/shmeldon/ITM352_F23_repo/tree/main/WODs/Invoice2 These two WODs weren’t particualry too hard considering it was more straight forward than complex. By that I mean that alot of time taken to complete it (especially Invoice1), was spent on tedious tasks such as copying and pasting blocks of code and changing variable names. The most difficult part about generating the sales receipt, was getting the receipt to display how I wanted it to on the webpage, and so this took some fidgeting with to accomplish.
For this WOD, I prepared mostly by going over recent previous material from class. Similarly to the the last WOD’s I first read over the propmts and tried to do them without looking anything up or watching screencasts so that I could test my knowledge. For Invoice1 I was barely able to complete the WOD within the time limit on my own and so I tried a second time, and for Invoice2 I breezed through first try. I will mostly likely go about doing the next WOD’s in the same fashion because it allows me to test my knowledge before seeking outside recources.